Black Student Science Organization

“If you have knowledge let others light their candles by it.”  - Margaret Fuller


BSSO Special Honor

2013 Aztec Achievement Award for Outstanding Student Organization

as experienced by

Harmony Saunders, BSSO President 2012-13


“The twinkly-eyed

Dr. Martin

hugged me

and said


…As more awards began to get called, I started to get nervous. Everything started to sound like a blur and I would clap, then wait, clap then wait. Finally, the AS rep who nominated us disappeared from his seat adjacent to mine and our award was the next one up. I looked up and he was on the stage.

     My heart started to pound so hard in my chest that I felt as though the SDSU President, Elliot Hirshman, who was sitting behind me, could hear it. The nominator began to read who the organization was. “This organization, and they are going to know who they are as soon as I say this.” I tensed from the second he said this, preparing myself for a sad loss and a nice try. I listened, but I could hear nothing around me. He continued “This organization is involved in the community locally and abroad.With their annual event, Hope for Haiti…” all the sound vanished. I imagine this is the sound of pure joy. It’s amazing, I am sure he was still talking but I was so happy I could hear nothing. Seconds later everyone began to clap.

     I immediately looked at Dr. Martin. It’s rare when this happens but when she is really happy her eyes get a twinkle and a glow about them. She looked at me and had a twinkle in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. Everyone around me began clapping.The members of the table told me to go on stage and collect the award. I walked up to the stage with the sound of clapping and my heartbeat. Everyone was saying congratulations as I made my way to the stage. The nominator was standing there clapping and put out his hand for me to shake. I said, “No I have to hug you.” There’s nothing like two science majors celebrating. Only we would think to shake hands. I hugged him and said thank you with the spotlight shining in my eyes. I left the stage and walked past the table with other organization presidents and past all the “important” people. Everyone was still clapping.

     I sat back in my seat and looked at the award. The twinkly-eyed Dr. Martin hugged me and said congratulations.When I finally sat down President Hirshman turned around to face me, shake my hand and said congratulations. At that moment I was proud of BSSO and even happier to say to myself…

“We are part of the important people.”

Harmony Saunders’14

BSSO President